This house is among a string of handsome turn of the century (1910s) buildings located on a beautiful boulevard, embellished with prestigious mature trees. Thankfully, to protect and enhance our collective cultural heritage, this small neighborhood is entirely protected by strict patrimonial rules.
Whilst the façades usually stay intact, the inside of the homes have often been adapted and transformed over the last century to respond to the various needs of its tenants.
In the present case, the inside of the house was sadly devoid of any historical context and offered little comfort to a contemporary family. Moreover, the rooms were poorly lit and cramped, there were too few bathrooms and the stairs were as almost as vertical as climbing a ladder…
The clients, an international couple with 5 children, suggested to completely gut the structure to rethink the entire layout and offer a comfortable home for a large family. The renovation also permitted to add certain desired amenities while being technically optimal and perfectly isolated. Nobel materials were used to withstand the next 100 years!